Did you know that a part of you already knows what it is you most desire and how to get it?
Did you know that a part of you already knows what you need to do to feel better, heal, have more joy?
Did you know a part of you already knows how to get to the next level, to achieve your dreams?
My job as a BodyMind Coach is to help you identify, first, what it is you really truly desire, then to find it in your body...help you embody it...embody that feeling of already having it/doing it/being it...then help you take the action steps needed to get there.
Sometimes it’s about doing more. Sometimes, a lot of times, it’s about doing less, letting go of who you think you’re supposed to be and being who you are. And then I support you and help you keep coming back to Self, help you never forget what it means to be true to yourSelf, to honor who you ARE, find that yes/no on the inside so you are less and less easily swayed by those ‘out there’, not of yourSelf, help you remember what’s important to you.
That’s it. That’s what I do as a BodyMind Coach. You are the magic. I just help you figure that out ❤️