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With 25 years of experience as a Physical Therapist and literally hundreds of hours of movement, restorative exercise, trauma rehabilitation and women's health training, I have developed a unique view on movement and exercise. I see movement as a way to connect to Self, heal wounds physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, disperse and manage stress responses, celebrate life, and connect with others.
I will invite you to move your body when you work with me, but it is not about punishing yourself or disconnecting from yourself, submitting to pain or beating yourself up to try to be someone else.
It will be about using parts of your body you may not have used for years, soothing your nervous system with repeated routines, waking up different parts of your brain with novel movements and movement patterns, creating safety in your nervous system through connection with joints and core and lifting heavy things, decreasing chemical irritation of nerve endings by moving lymph and improving circulation and creating connection within and without in a safely held container of support.
More specifically, I teach yoga, restorative exercise, rehabilitation exercises, and free flow movement, helping people connect to the movements their body craves. I also help people find more opportunities for movement throughout their day, looking beyond work outs to movement rich lives. I love working with people on transforming their lives with a well aligned whole body practice!
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