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Constipation? IBS? Nausea, bloating or gas? If this is your life, The Happy Guts! Workshop is for you! 

Learn how to heal your tummy naturally! 

In this workshop, you'll learn about Leaky Gut and its role in not only digestive issues, but also in whole body health.

You'll learn about gut healing foods including bone broth, collagen and fermented foods

and learn how to make bone broth in the Instant Pot.

You'll also learn about the Autonomic Nervous System and how stress contributes to your tummy woes.

We will learn how to do a self-tummy massage, learn a short movement practice for healthy digestion and how to use the Coregeous Ball for self-visceral mobilization and fascial mobilization, all of which improve the state of our digestive system.



Cost: $60 includes Coregeous Ball, recipe, movement practice and self-care worksheets






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